- Gym
- Balcony
- Garden
- Swimming Pool
- Parking
- TV Cable
- Laundry
- Air Conditioning
- Bedding
- Concrete Flooring
- Garage
- Heating
- Internet
- Outdoor Kitchen
- Tennis Courts
- Trees
106,897 square foot Class A manufacturing facility leased to Trillium Flow Technologies.
SOLD 12/2021 – 100,000 square foot build-to-suit manufacturing building leased to NN, Inc.
138,000 square foot manufacturing facility leased to BTU International.
128,400 square foot flex/R&D facility fully leased to Drager Medical Systems.
145,262 square foot Class A R&D facility fully leased to Mercury Systems.
101,200 square foot build-to-suit warehouse development for Beacon Roofing Supply.
Strategically located 65,800 square foot Class A speculative warehouse development.